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Two rescued dogs - Don Don and Saul

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For thousands of years, dogs have been our companions, protectors, helpers, and best friends. More than any other domesticated animal, they hold a special place in many people's hearts and lives. There are many reasons why dogs are so important to humans and society.

Firstly, dogs provide unconditional love and companionship. They are always happy to see us, even when we've had a bad day. Their affection and loyalty can turn around our mood and bring joy. Studies show petting dogs releases oxytocin, reduces stress, and lowers anxiety. For people living alone, senior citizens, or those with mental health struggles, a dog's companionship can be critical. Dogs give us a sense of purpose, someone to care for and focus on. The relationship between dogs and humans can be incredibly powerful.

In addition, dogs play many important roles in society. They work alongside police officers, the military, and rescue workers, using their sharp senses to detect bombs, drugs, find missing people, and more. Guide and therapy dogs assist people with disabilities and provide emotional support. Sniffer dogs check luggage at airports or screen for diseases. On farms, herding and working dogs help manage livestock. The list of what dogs do for us is long. Our history would look quite different without their help.

Moreover, dogs encourage more social interaction and physical activity. Dog owners meet new people while walking or taking their pets to a dog park. Neighbors chat while their dogs play together. Having a dog gets people outside walking and exercising more. Families bond over taking care of and playing with their pet. Dogs bring neighborhoods and communities closer.

Caring for a dog also teaches children responsibility, empathy, and compassion. Looking after the needs of their pet helps kids learn important life skills. Dogs model unconditional love and faithfulness for children. Plus, research indicates having a dog boosts children's social skills, self-esteem, and emotional wellbeing.

Dogs provide valuable health benefits. Stroking their fur releases dopamine and serotonin, reducing blood pressure. Dogs help us relax and de-stress. Having a dog has been linked to lower cholesterol, improved heart health, and living longer. For veterans or trauma survivors, service dogs can provide critical treatment and support. Dogs even detect cancer or oncoming seizures in some cases, potentially saving lives. Their acute hearing and sense of smell is an asset.

Dogs bring us joy and comic relief. Their playful, goofy antics make us laugh and smile. Dogs keep us entertained with their silly behavior. Taking them on walks or to the dog park is a fun activity. Having furry friends enthusiastically greet us when we get home lifts our spirits. The positivity dogs radiate is contagious and irreplaceable. Our lives would be considerably duller without their enthusiasm and humor.

Dogs fill our existence with unconditional love, companionship, assistance, health benefits, social connectivity, responsibility, and joy. They are protectors, helpers, healers, and best friends. Dogs have aided humans for millennia as working, service, therapy, herding, and guide dogs. Our history and society would look incredibly different without their contributions. For all they do for us and the happiness they bring, dogs hold a special place in our hearts that cannot be replaced.

“I don’t save dogs. They save me.”
Willi Vision Producer

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